Reenita Das

Reenita Das

Partner and Senior Vice President, Healthcare and Life Sciences
Frost & Sullivan

As a Transformational Health Partner and Senior Vice President at Frost & Sullivan, Reenita Das broke the glass ceiling when she became the first female partner at the firm. “One of the first things I did as a partner was to use my voice to create opportunities and pathways for other women, accelerating their progress and career development,” she says.

Having worked in more than ten countries before joining Frost & Sullivan, Das discovered that leadership was about understating cultural nuances and social dynamics to drive change. This impacted her leadership style and to this day, she credits her learning experience to places outside corporate America or a classroom. “Leadership for me is all about authenticity, self-awareness, self-reflection, and emotional maturity. These qualities are not innate from birth and often require significant self-work and self-practice,” she explains.

Das says that her education was completed through yoga and meditation. “I learned humility on the mat. I took these learnings to my workplace as I transformed mentally, spiritually, and emotionally as a human,” she says. Realizing that leadership and culture work hand in hand and that women face several challenges in a male-dominated workplace she established an internal organization at Frost called “Growth and Innovation of Women” (GLOW). After building four program tracks on authentic leadership, Das saw the program’s impact and decided to do more.

Das is also a strong proponent of femtech and women’s health awareness. “I started writing and working around femtech almost a decade ago. In 2017, I published a body of research where I mentioned the $50 billion opportunity women’s health technology offered,” she says. Today, Das envisions building a Center of Excellence around Women’s Health and is dedicated to raising awareness on mental health, menopause, and issues that are often considered taboo or stigmatized.