Fay Wong

Fay Wong

CEO and Consultant  

Founding partner and CEO at BIDllc, Fay Wong has over thirteen years of experience in 3D design and model making. She has delivered over 6,000 projects across 12 countries. Along the way, she has learned to be resilient, adaptable, and committed. By successfully navigating the male-dominated industry, she has become a role model for aspiring women entrepreneurs.

From crafting the biggest model during the Cityscape Global 2023 to making a grand entrance at the Saudi Cup to building an impressive client list within the architectural and design industry, Wong has been invincible against all odds. “Navigating the male-dominated industry has been a journey, but it’s also allowed me to become a role model for aspiring women entrepreneurs,” she says.

Despite the unstable economic climate and periods of recession, Wong worked hard to secure project opportunities and funding to sustain operations, eventually exploring new avenues such as 3D visualization. During these times, she learned the importance of adaptability and flexibility, and to her credit was recently awarded the Mastercard SME Women Leader Award in the Creative Leader Category. 

“Leadership for me isn’t just about titles; it’s about driving a clear vision and inspiring others to achieve it,” she says.

Furthering her ambitions, Wong is keen to establish BIDllc as a global leader in architectural model-making and 3D visualization.

“I envision a company renowned for its innovative approach and exceptional quality, pushing the boundaries of the industry. Beyond geographical expansion, I’m committed to solidifying BIDllc’s position as a pioneer through technological advancements and sustainable practices,” she says. Staying true to the spirit of giving, nurturing, and empowering, Wong continues to lead the business with a strong community focus, participating in Ramadan drives to distribute meals, and constantly supporting women.