Wajeeha Al-Husseini

Wajeeha Al-Husseini

Brand and Corporate Communications Director  
Umniah Mobile Company  

Wajeeha Al-Husseini, Brand and Corporate Communications Director at Umniah Mobile Company, believes leaders must roll up their sleeves and work side-by-side with their teams. Rather than a desk, she sits at a meeting table–a testament to her belief that collaboration and teamwork are the keys to the success of any organization. She believes that guiding her team, showing compassion, and building a culture of camaraderie can help teams–and organizations–mature and grow. 

“Leadership is nurturing, engaging, and enabling a positive environment where team members and other leaders feel safe, encouraged, and motivated to take responsibility for their actions without suffering consequences,” she says. With more than two decades of experience, she focuses on fostering a welcoming environment where everyone can share new ideas and propose new paths.

Al-Husseini is a woman who prioritizes playing the role of a mother to her two sons, followed by being a role model and leader at work. Her plan for the future is to groom her successor and create successful leaders who rise to new opportunities in and out of the company. Led by the belief that her success shows only when her team is successful, growing, learning, and developing, she remains committed to empowering others in every area of work.

“Being a woman in a senior position with only one other female is a continuous challenge,” she says, explaining how she’s learned to lean in and voice her opinion, concerns, and recommendations. As a result of her dedication and passion, Al-Husseini has led her team to great success, and her most notable CSR project for the company has been the Forsa Playgrounds Project which involves building and renovating playgrounds in different areas across Jordan.

“We have so far revamped 17 schools, benefitting over 12,000 students plus the surrounding community,” she says, adding that they plan to revamp 50 additional schools in the near future.