Lucy Aziz

Lucy Aziz

Regional Head of PR and Communication of OMODA & JAECOO  
Chery Automobile  

As the regional head of PR and communication at OMODA & JAECOO, Lucy Aziz has successfully launched thirteen products in the GCC region. “With a firm belief that a company’s wins are a direct reflection of its employees’ talents, I do my best to ensure I am fostering a culture of creativity and passion within my teams,” she says. 

Lucy Aziz is guided by the lessons of resilience and self-belief acquired during her career. She achieves results by listening, responding, and empowering people to create shared value strategies. “I demonstrate these values by leading by example, championing innovative communication strategies, and providing my team with the support and resources they need to thrive,” she explains. Aziz, who has worked across the telecommunication, technology, marketing, and advertising industries, believes in fostering a culture of creativity and passion to translate complex ideas into compelling narratives.

Having faced her share of challenges, Aziz remains focused on maintaining a competitive edge in the ever-evolving tech industry and standing out amidst the clutter. She also admits that she found it extremely challenging to break into the tech industry as a woman, establishing herself as a credible voice. “I overcame this by continuously expanding my knowledge base, seeking out mentors, and consistently delivering exceptional results,” she shares.

Making the most of her journey, Aziz utilizes her experience to empower women in STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) and business. Her work with women and underprivileged communities inspires her to go above and beyond what she’s already done, which includes participating in four missions to Africa to help children and youth. Looking forward to the next five to ten years, Aziz is keen on positioning her company as a leading force in the automotive industry. “I would like to use my experiences in tech to craft experiences that can truly reflect the future we promise for mobility,” she says.